Have you ever wondered what mysteries are tucked away in your family’s past?

Researching Scottish family history is like detective work. I can find out secrets that may have been buried in records stretching back many generations.

It can be a painstaking process delving through old documents but wouldn’t you like to find out who you are or what happened to your family members through the decades? Perhaps some research as a big birthday present? Or can I help you do your own research?

NB I am not currently taking on any new work. This may change later in the year but it would only be Orkney or north of Scotland research (Caithness, Sutherland, Ross & Cromarty).

Many people do their own research but there are pitfalls like coming up against a brick wall and the search can become too expensive. I take great care in searching through the records and putting together the larger historical picture for a person’s family.