In the censuses The name Green Burn is first recorded in the 1901 census; Greenburn in 1911. Before that most places in Crockness were simply recorded as Crockness with nothing else to distinguish them. Looking at names and which crofts were next door to each other, I’ve completed the 1871-1891 censuses with a good degree | more…
Blog category: North Walls, page 6
“Scapa and a camera”

Scapa and a camera by CW Burrows is a record of the Scapa Flow area, Orkney, at the time of World War One. It is a sought-after book, both in its original 1921 edition and the more recent facsimile edition. Burrows was Cashier of the Dockyard section at the Naval Base in Scapa Flow from | more…
Euphemia Sandison (c1819-1905), a woman’s life

Some people really make an impression, even dead people. Euphemia Sandison is one of them. I first came across her over ten years ago in the 1861 census for Walls, Orkney, the subject of my postgraduate genealogy certificate project. In that census, she was 41, single, a domestic servant, born in Walls and living in | more…