These are some of my family’s photographs of the upper primary classes at North Walls Junior Secondary School when my mother taught there 1948-1955. There were three composite classes, from age 5 to age 15, and three teachers, Jacob Moar, Mary Inkster and my mother Tess Ross, with almost 100 pupils between them at times. Read more about the school.

Back l-r: Rex Taylor, Tess Slater (teacher), Edwin Gray, Kathleen Ratter, James Baikie.
Front, l-r: Leslie Wilson, Olive Graham, William Bremner.

Back l-r: James Hamilton, Leslie Wilson, Olive Graham, Muriel MacLeod, Connie Budge, Kathleen Ratter, Donald McKinnon, Rex Taylor.
Middle: Tess Slater (teacher) Ian Allured, Hugh Stewart, Edwin Grey, John Sinclair, William Fleming, James Baikie, Robin MacLeod, Dennis Johnston.
Front row, left to right: Margaret Gray, Noreen Sutherland, Margaret Fleming, Ann Whittles, Isobel Graham, Surenne Rosie, Janice Baikie.

Back l-r: James Baikie, Terry Thomson, Alex Laird, David Jamieson, Eric Desmond, Alex Stephen, Dennis Johnston, James Hamilton, Ingo MacCorquodale, Leslie Wilson, Arthur Budge. Teacher: Tess Ross.
Middle l-r: Violet Bremner, Gladys Wylie, Margaret Gray, Margaret Fleming, Olive Graham, Noreen Sutherland, Janice Baikie, Edwin Gray.
Front l-r: Marie Simpson, Muriel Inkster, Margaret Seatter, Elvyn Hay, Kathleen Ratter, Surenne Rosie, Jean Garrioch, Phyllis Gray, Isobel Graham.
You’ll find my other North Walls school photos from the 1920s and 1930s here and some others on the Orkney Image Library. Advanced search as below works best: select Hoy as parish (yes I know it should be Walls!!) and School as Album.