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My old missus, a mother’s tale

Mothers’ Day is the theme for the #52ancestors challenge this week. As that is a tie-in to the American festival, I’m going to swap and take the British Mothering Sunday as my prompt. Ann Thomson (1816-1904) Ann is my x2 great grandmother in my father’s direct line, the wife of Hugh Rosie or Ross (1816-1892).  |  more…

Cemetery – or how one phrase took me to a very distant place

Cemetery, churchyard, graveyard, kirkyard, words that bring a gleam to the eye of family history addicts. Handled carefully, they can be treasure chests but there are a few caveats: not everyone had a gravestone, some stones have gone or are no longer readable and, most importantly, the information on them is not always correct. Cemetery  |  more…

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