If you have a family tree on Ancestry or use Family Tree Maker, you will have seen the Ancestry shaky leaves. These are hints that there are records or other family trees on Ancestry that could be relevant to your ancestor. But are they helpful? Can you trust them? Last week, I did a rare | more…
Blog category: General, page 16
One-place study – small steps on YouTube
Dabbling with YouTube… Here’s a a small photo video of my one-place study area in Orkney: North Walls and Brims. The population has dropped considerably since the 1850s, with brief but dramatic increases in the two world wars when there was a very high armed forces presence.
The effectiveness of public rebuke?
The Kirk Session of the Presbyterian Church of Scotland played a major role in policing the behaviour of parishioners in past times. Fornicators, adulterers, drunkards, sabbath-breakers, quarrelsome characters and the like (seeĀ Walls Kirk Session records for examples) could be called to account for their behaviour, fined and eventually readmitted to communion. Public rebuke, chiefly | more…