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We were diddled. Or were we??

“That should have been ours”, the usual family refrain as we drove anywhere near Houton in Orphir, Orkney. The tale is strong and persistent: a young woman was tricked into signing away her right to the Houton estate, the story goes. So it fits well with ‘Family legend’ this week’s theme for #52ancestors challenge. Williamina  |  more…

Uncle Sinclair and the extra chromosome

Uncle Sinclair was my maternal grandma Jessie’s youngest sibling. I’ve chosen him as he fits this week’s prompt from #52 ancestors, ‘Youngest’, and also because he had Down’s Syndrome, so he provides an interesting comparison with Mary Ann Ross from last week. (Peter) Sinclair Sclater (1904-1960) In contrast to Mary Ann, I know quite a  |  more…

Mary Ann, one of 6623

As I’ve already written about my granny, my longest-lived relative so far, and the ages of my x2 great grandparents, this week’s #52ancestors theme “Oldest” is more of a challenge. For reasons that will become clear next week, I’ve decided to write about a great aunt. Mary Ann Ross (1887-1946) Mary Ann was the oldest  |  more…

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