Ten September events in the lives of North Walls and Brims people – part 2

September 2023 is the 10th birthday of the Society for One-Place Studies so, a little late in the day, I took up the #OnePlaceStudies10 blog prompt. Here is the second set of five short pieces on people from my one-place study in North Walls and Brims, chosen because of some event in their lives in  |  more…

A winter’s tale

Grandma, as I remember her, was a quiet, elderly woman. I guess life had worn her out though some of the stories of her youth describe a woman of spirit and drive – qualities that are reflected in photographs. Jessie Sclater (1887-1970), my grandma, was the third child and oldest daughter of James S Sclater  |  more…

We were diddled. Or were we??

“That should have been ours”, the usual family refrain as we drove anywhere near Houton in Orphir, Orkney. The tale is strong and persistent: a young woman was tricked into signing away her right to the Houton estate, the story goes. So it fits well with ‘Family legend’ this week’s theme for #52ancestors challenge. Williamina  |  more…

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