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T for testament or where there’s a will there’s also a family

Testament. Not the old and new but a collective name for all the documents to do with the administration of a dead person’s estate. It could include: an inventory of their moveable possessions  (cash, bank accounts, farm stock, furniture for example) perhaps a will setting out who was to receive what. If so the documents  |  more…

The man behind a family heirloom

The “Burmese gong” stood on a shelf at my parents’ house for as long as I can remember. I knew that “hid cam fae [it came from] Thistlebank” but little more. Perhaps it is not even Burmese.                                                      The man who brought  |  more…

Valentine – is Robert Gray my Mr Right?

Valentine card, from ?? There’s sometimes an air of mystery, someone who doesn’t want to identify themselves. I have a potential x5 great grandfather who married on 14 February 1769, but is he Mr Right? (Valentine is the theme for #52ancestors challenge this week) Robert Gray – working backwards The starting point is Janet or  |  more…

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